The Bestseller she wrote

Imagine the glittering world of an author who is a bestseller. After numerous steps such as planning a plot and preparing the manuscript, editing and publishing, pre-bookings and book launch, comes out a book which turns into a bestseller. People worship the author and follow his life closely. But what happens if the author falls into a trap of dalliances, vengeance and betrayal and his career reaches a point of destruction beyond redemption? Ravi Subramanian’s new book “The Bestseller She Wrote” is all about love, betrayal and redemption, as the attractive book cover promises us.

Ravi Subramanian, an Indian author famous for his thrillers about bankers and banking, is a banker by profession. He has written many praised and popular books such as ‘If God was a Banker’, ‘The Bankster’, ‘Bankerupt’ and many more. An alumnus of IIM Bangalore, batch of 1993, Subramanian spent close to two decades in the financial services industry.

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In his new book “The Bestseller She Wrote”, Ravi Subramanian has told us a story about bestsellers and their glittering world. The plot of the story, his first book on a romantic intrigue, is different than his usual stories based on the theme of banking. This story revolves around two main characters. Aditya Kapoor is a banker turned into a very famous author. He has a balanced yet starry life and a perfect family of a loving wife and a young son. His books are so popular that he gets the fame that only Indian actors can hope for. The middle-aged paperback king has an impeccable personal and professional life, a life that a man can only dream of.

And then enters in his life Shreya Kaushik, a beautiful and young IIM-B student with high ambitions and strong determination to become a celebrated book writer. She is reckless, bold and competitive. She gets employed in Aditya’s team at the National Bank and both the author and his fan fall into a risky dalliance. Shreya is a fabulous writer but she ‘wants’ Aditya to help her become a bestseller, even more famous than the guide himself. Even if that means risking Aditya’s career. What will happen when the worlds of a superstar author and his enthralling protégé collide? To what extent will Shreya go to obtain Aditya’s unshared love and attention? The author has nicely depicted Aditya’s dilemma whether it was possible to love two persons at the same time.

The language is simple yet eloquent. Few dialogues are very effective. My favorite being ‘If guilt could kill, Aditya would have died a thousand times’. There are a few characters in the book but each one is well-defined and has an equally important role in the story. My favorite characters are Aditya Kapoor, his best friend Sanjay and also Shreya’s best friend Sunaina.

I am an aspiring author myself and so I got to know a lot about the process through which a book goes through before going out in the market. The plot becomes a bit predictable halfway through the book but then the story turns thrilling once again and ends with justified and surprisingly unpredictable turn of events. The only thing that I disapprove in the book is the direct and intentional/unintentional mention of author Chetan Bhagat a few times in the story which clearly defames him. In my opinion, this isn’t ethical and is against respectful writing.

I recommend this book to thriller lovers. It is definitely a one-time read, a book to gorge upon in the weekends with a cup of hot coffee.

Happy reading!

I am reviewing ‘The Bestseller She Wrote’ by Ravi Subramanian as a part of the biggest Book Review Program for Indian Bloggers. Participate now to get free books!

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